Address:guotai road ,dajiangcheng town,wuqing district,tianjin,china
Soluble Growth-Stimulating Expressed Gene 2 Protein (sST2)
-Heart Fibrosis-Specific Marker
Diagnostic reagent for quantitative in vitro determination of Soluble growth stimulating gene 2 protein (sST2) in human serum on photometric systems
Clinical Significance
● Specific indicators of myocardial fibrosis
● Predicts acute heart failure morbidity and mortality in patients with dyspnea
● Acute and chronic heart failure risk stratification
● Acute heart failure mortality monitoring
● Chronic heart failure mortality assessment
● Combined detection with natriuretic peptide to improve the value of risk assessment
Indicator Advantage
Specificity: specific indicators of myocardial fibrosis
Independence: The risk of heart failure can be independently assessed, and a single threshold (38ng/ml) is easy to interpret
Stability: The measured value of the sample is stable and accurate, and the interference factor is small
Guide Recommendation
Chinese Heart Failure Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines 2018
Indicators such as soluble ST2 (class Ila, level B) reflecting myocardial fibrosis may provide additional information in risk stratification of chronic heart failure.
Indicators such as soluble ST2, which reflect myocardial fibrosis, may provide additional information in risk stratification of acute heart failure (Class IIb, Level A).
Applicable Departments
Department of Cardiology Laboratory Infectious Diseases
Chest Pain Center
Emergency Department
Respiratory department
Heart Failure Center