Address:guotai road ,dajiangcheng town,wuqing district,tianjin,china
- Independent indicator of atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability
Diagnostic reagent for quantitative in vitro determination of lipoprotein related phospholipase A2(Lp-PLA2) in human serum or plasma on photometric systems
Clinical Significance
Atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability-specific inflammatory markers
● Physical examination and screening of high-risk groups of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
●Recurrence prevention for people with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases
●Prognostic evaluation of the population with pre-existing disease
●Evaluation of treatment effect
Indicator Advantage
Specificity: Atherosclerotic plaque, vulnerability specific marker
Independence: independently predicts the risk of atherosclerotic plaque rupture
Accuracy: Quantitative detection, the results are more in line with clinical needs
Experts recommend early detection and early prevention
In October 2015, "Chinese Expert Recommendations on the Clinical Application of Lipoprotein-Related Phospholipase A2" recommended that the following populations can detect Lp-PLA2 levels to predict the risk of cardiovascular disease events:
●Screening of asymptomatic high-risk groups, especially those with intermediate risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, detection of LP-PLA2 on the basis of traditional risk factor assessment to further assess the risk of future cardiovascular disease.
●In patients who have received statin therapy and have good cholesterol control, the level of LP-PLA2 can improve the predictive value of cardiovascular disease event risk.
●In patients with acute thrombotic events, including ACS and atherosclerotic ischemic stroke, LP-PLA2 is helpful for long-term risk assessment. For example, combined detection with hs-CRP can improve the predictive value.
● The results of the classic two-step method are stable and accurate
● Sample requirements: serum, plasma
● Detection range: 10ng/ml-1000ng/ml
● Strong specificity and good stability
Applicable departments
Cardiology, neurology, respiratory, endocrinology, emergency department, laboratory, geriatrics, physical examination center, etc.